What is the pop-Up Princess parlor?
The turn-key, upscale princess party solution for busy parents has arrived.
We've noticed that our clients are hard-working and always on-the-go. The type of person who chooses Papillons Entertainment is selective, and prefers a posh aesthetic, but doesn't have time to scour the internet for the best princess party in Los Angeles.
Our clients are also loving parents who want to grant their child's birthday wish, and they want it to feel truly magical. What to do?
Enter The Pop-Up Princess Parlor: a stylish, immersive, all-inclusive princess dress-up party experience serving the greater Los Angeles area exclusively by Papillons Entertainment.
what's Included in the Pop-Up Princess Parlor?
The Pop-Up Princess Parlor comes with...
How can you book the Pop-Up Princess Parlor?
Booking the Pop-Up Princess Parlor for your celebration is easy. Once you're set, just add cake, guests, and voila!
Step 1: Choose the "size" that's just right for your event.
The Pop-Up Princess Parlor (2 hour experience)
1 Princess of Choice (50 minute performance)
The Pop-Up Princess Parlor (2.5 hour experience)
2 Princesses of Choice (80 minute performances)
The Pop-Up Princess Parlor (3 hour experience)
3 Princesses of Choice (2 hour performances)
Step 2: Choose your princess(es).
Step 3: Send your request to our Fairy Godmother.
Step 4: Scratch "plan princess party" off your list.
Step 5 (optional): Give yourself a round of applause.
Q. How long does it take to set-up and strike the Pop-Up Princess Parlor?
A. Approximately 2 hours to set-up and 90 minutes to strike. The tent will be delivered and picked-up within a 2 hour window both before the interior of the tent set-up begins and after the interior of the tent strike has been completed.
Q. What do the princess performances entail?
A. The 50 minute performance (we call this the 'Classic' repertoire) includes a little of this, a little of that: meet & greet, group dancing in the character's theme, a non-competitive group game with a surprise twist, a short sing along to the character's signature song, interactive story-time, and a couple of comedy magic spells with a gift for your celebrant to keep. The 80 minute performance (we call this the 'Plus' repertoire) is double the activities with extra dancing, extra group game play, and extra magic spells. And finally, the 2 hour performance (we call this the 'Beaucoup' repertoire) includes "all the things" in addition to basic face painting.
Q. Is there music included?
A. Mais oui! Our princess character(s) will bring a specially designed background music playlist that fits her theme and guides her performance from entrance to exit. We also create combination playlists when multiple princess character(s) are performing together. And your kiddos won't see any distracting technology, as all of our modern devices remain discretely hidden within the characters' pretty collection of props.
Q. If I'm booking a Pop-Up Princess Parlor package with multiple princesses, may I overlap their performances?
A. Our team is happy to help you determine the best suited timing and overlapping based on the performance repertoires of the characters you've chosen. We've been throwing the ultimate princess party since 2006, so please do utilize our expertise to your advantage.
Q. Are the cast members photographed here the same ones who will show-up to my event?
A. The cast members featured in photographs on this page, across our website and social media accounts, portray princess characters for live events exclusively via Papillons. That said, each cast member typically shares several roles (per the artistic director's approval). Because our cast members are highly-sought after dancers, stars of musical theatre, and consistently working in film + TV, we must reserve the right to assign cast members to event bookings as we see fit based on our team's availability. Of course we love cast member requests, and we're happy to honor these requests as long as the requested performer is available.